True Grit means absolute unyielding dedication toward a goal. When my Mom wants something done she often does it herself. Often not trusting others to do things for her because she thinks she can do everything perfectly. When I was a kid the tree in our front yard dried up and died. My mom simply tied a rope around the tree and yanked it out with her car. This turned into a quite an event for all the neighborhood kids who cheered her on.
The 1969 version of True Grit directed by Henry Hathaway had some fantastic moments showing what it means to have true grit. In the final scene when John Wayne's character tells his partner not to shoot as Mattie rides on her horse below, his partner ends up shooting this almost gets them killed by revealing that they are there and exposing them to gunfire. This shows how his partner does not have true grit meanwhile Mattie remained composed calm and collected under stress.

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